Here are the pictures and a few little stories about some.

My updated tattoo I got there. I'll get a better pic up when I get a better one.

After about a week into my trip, Jethro finally got unsick enough to drive to Perth and so we went to the Perth Zoo.

A zoo kangaroo

zoo kangaroo too

another roo

and another

Koala bear nearly fell out of the tree.

Same koala

A tree roo. It wouldnt jump out of the tree. Supposedly they can fall 10m without getting hurt, so we'll never know, we didn't see it.

another tree roo

a rock wallaby, Rocko?

daddy wombat

daddy wombat again

Some random lizard at the zoo

Another lizard

While I was in Perth, I wasted alot of film taking pics of the house and the yard and stuff. Those seem to be the pics that actually turned out. *sigh*

Jamie/Jeremy/Simon/Michelle's house.

Looking across the street

A shot of the backyard

Another backyard pic

Some backyard flowers

Some backyard grapes

On several days, we went to Freo (yeah Fremantle if you want to look it up on a map). Very very cool place with lots of stuff that I would love to buy. Anyway, a handful of those pictures turned out.

The parking ticket thingajig

A big boat in Freo

The ocean without a boat in it

Underwater World is another place, of course NONE of the pictures I took there came out. It was a pretty cool place, as well as the surrounding area which was all shops and restaurants on the water. Pretty cool.